The website for the Combined Honours in Social Sciences student community at Durham University.
Peer Mentoring Scheme 2019-20
Welcome to our incoming students in 2019-20!
CHSS at Durham runs a peer mentoring scheme for our students, where we match first year students (the mentees) with students who are in level 2 or 3 (the mentors) to create micro-communities within the CHSS programme. A bit like an academic version of college parents, our peer mentors are a useful and friendly contact to go to with any queries you have during your first year.

Our 2019-20 mentors!
Our CHSS peer mentor scheme started in 2018 and 87% who took part last year said they would definitely or maybe recommend the programme! This year we have a team of 30 mentors and each CHSS fresher will be matched with a mentor who is studying a similar combination of subjects. Each mentor will be allocated 3 to 4 mentees and you will all meet as a group weekly, and then fortnightly, throughout the first term to help you settle in. Mentors will be there to welcome you at our CHSS induction sessions in Freshers’ Week.
We encourage all students to make the most of this opportunity and pair up with a mentor - as well as providing you with a very useful source of support, it’s also a lot of fun! In the unlikely event that you’d prefer not to be allocated a mentor, please email to tell us that you’re opting out of the scheme.
What our 2018-19 mentees thought about the scheme...

My mentor helped me settle in and had a meaningful impact on my first year
She offered lots of advice on subjects and general advice on housing. She was really approachable and said we could email her any time
She helped me a lot with timetable stuff